(198?-1989): On a black and grey gradient background, a red line is drawn in with a shadow and two thick white lines also with shadows fly in form the near center of the screen, going diagonally and flying over the red line. The bars curve over the line and bend outwards and inwards forming a "DR" shape at the bottom of the screen (actually part of the Ricordi Video logo). "Video", "RICORDI", and "DE LAURENTIIS" fly in from the top of the screen and settle, with the last line of words crashing through the lines and pieces fly towards the screen.
A brief harp soprano, followed by a synth whoosh and a bombastic fanfare with a long last note and a quiet crash.
Scare Factor[]
Medium. The overly cheerful fanfare can be quite unnerving. The way the text flies in and crashes through the logo can be threatening as well.