Crypton Future Media
1st Logo[]
In a black background we see a white line. When we hit the line, the line spins and breaks up, and the top one is inacessible as it spins and turns into a water hose, which lines connect in those ends and ends up moving into the end. And a light blue spotlight spins towards us, which fades a black shadow of Hatsune Miku and we see the text:
in the Vocaloid Double font.
- During Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA, 6 sillhoutes appear in the screen, and 6 black sillhoutes appear one by one, which is MEIKO, KAITO, Kagamarine Rin and Len, and Megurine Luka behind Hatsune Miku in the front.
2nd Logo[]
In a black background we zoom down in a filmstrip that features the Vocaloid characters and we zoom more filmstrips as light gray spotlights rise into the ground (a la MGM Home Entertainment) and we rise into the "DIA" and reads up "URE MEDIA" and then "FUTURE MEDIA" and zooms out which it reads:
The spotlight and filmstrip dies to imminate a sparkle in the "A" and
3rd Logo[]
In a white background, MEIKO (in 2D) flies in the right and her microphone spins in the left, which shows Hatsune Miku flying too. We zoom into a twirl as KAITO and Luka started flying and also Rin and Len. Also the Project DIVA characters spin to make a "O", and then a "Y", and the screen flashes black, and on a black screen we see a light-blue grid, we zoom into the "FUTURE" and then the text is found. The grid later fades out.
4th Logo (1995-?)[]
Just on a black background that reads "CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA" and the Japanese TEXT in cyan text along with the cut lines on the bottom of the letters.
5th Logo[]
On a white background set with a TV (in CGI) and the logo smacked on it in yellow tint (similar to the Hanna-Barbera logo), we spin slowly as all of the Vocaloid characters (Including Project DIVA) began appearing at the TV, out, and we see the characters (first with Hatsune Miku sitting and jumping in the air throwing her microphone, Lola making a roundabout spin and jumping her staff, and KAITO singing before just kicking his leg and throwing his microphone backwards; Kagamarine Rin spinning and throwing her microphone backwards, Kasane Teto sings and throws here microphone in the air, but kicked by GUMI, Akita Neru spins her yellow mobile and transforms into a microphone, while talking "Hey, getcha!", and Len transforms his yellow mobile into a microphone and was kicked by MEIKO) then after a while the TV screen flashes black, and the logo is at the center, but the words "CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA" added the several words on these six rows.
6th Logo (2018-2020)[]
In a black cloudy like-background we zoom in to the Sega logo set in Yagi Double after Hatsune Miku screamed "SSSSegggggaaaaa!!!!!" and the byline "A SEGA SAMMY COPORATION" fade, we zoom rapidly. The Sega logo breaks up into double "SEGA"s as the double letters split into 3 pieces. After 3 seconds, the remains of the Sega transform into pieces that create the words "CRYPTON" and "FUTURE" and "MEDIA" set in the Futura Light font and the modified Vocaloid Double font. And then, Hatsune Miku pops out in the "O" and sings "Crypton Future Media!"
7th Logo (2020-2022)[]
On a cloudy background, we zoom out to Hatsune Miku's (in CGI) face and spin around, and the camera hovers above Hatsune Miku, which resembles a filmstrip. Miku then jumps out off the filmstrip and uses her microphone and flies to the right, while another filmstrip slides from the left and both filmstrips turns into a part of the atom. Then the logo "CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA" set in Futura Bold fades. Sometimes, the text would be Japanese. The byline "A SEGA SAMMY COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY" fade.
8th Logo (2022-present)[]
In a cloudy background, we zoom out to Hatsune Miku's (in CGI) face on her Magical Mirai era clothes and and spin around, and the camera hovers above Hatsune Miku, which resembles a filmstrip. Miku then jumps out off the filmstrip and uses her Magical Mirai umbrella and flies to the right, while another filmstrip slides from the left and the "60th Anniversary" word scrolls to left and back to it's normal position, and both filmstrips turns into a part of the atom. Miku then poses and the words "60th Anniversary" spin and the logo "CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA" is now colorful and shiny similar to the colors during the Magical Mirai era.
9th Logo (2023-present)[]
In a black background, we see a white tall oval written up with the "Y" on a italic script. Between the "Y" is "CR" and "PTON" written on the same script. A white line draws overhead, and it sees a small text that reads "FUTURE MEDIA".
There is a only long logo, but with every other edits:
We see into a mountain and filmstrips shoot at the mountain to make
1st Logo: A only loud cuckoo.
2nd Logo: Just a filmstrip spinning sound.
3rd Logo: Just a spin zooming of the Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA vocaloids.
4th Logo: Silent (means no sound).
6th Logo: Swining slangs, spinned up-darkment chalk and Hatsune Miku screaming "Crypton Future Media!"
7th Logo: Spinning swail, wind move when the filmstrips appear, magnetic magical force and jump swining slangs, a sound when Miku jumps off and a proud note.
8th Logo: Superstrike force and it spinning rash and wind move and magnetic force and a sound when Miku jumps off and a proud note.
9th Logo: Just the kids screaming "C-F-M!" over a jingle note.
- The 7th and the 8th logo are a parody to the Toei Animation logo.