Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (January 1990-November 1993)[]

The Comedy Central globe of the era (which does not tilt to the side, has yellow text, and a heliotrope top) is posed on the background of several, rusty tires on a junkyard. The "COMEDY-CENTRAL" marquee spins around from time to time.


There is a variant of the logo where the background contists of a tire in extreme close-up and the Comedy Central logo appears smaller.

2nd logo (November 1993-September 1994)[]

Up against a black background, there is the normal 1995 Comedy Central globe from the era emitting blue circles with cheesy drawings of buildings below that move around and a giant moon to the left showing a reverse version of the Comedy Central globe spinning rapidly.


On season seven of MST3K, the logo fades in and is silent.

3rd logo (January-December 1994, January 2000-December 2016)[]

It begins with a shot of a credit card being inserted into what is presumably an ATM. It then switches to a shot of an ATM screen, whose text, in green, is being "drawn" down from top to bottom and in a computer-type font. The text reads "THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION OF:", followed by the Comedy Central logo (in green, and with the logo tilted to its side with the name written in a different font), and then "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE" appears under the logo. The last line "blinks" a few times, becoming highlighted in green with the text in black.


  • An interesting edit exists on the first three episodes of South Park where the "credit card" animation was kept in, but the screen in the ATM was cut because it was abruptly switched to the 4th logo.
  • Similar to the next logo, South Park episodes on their website have a copyright stamp added to the logo, along with the Comedy Central URL.

4th logo (January 1, 1994-December 31, 1998; May 8, 2000-November 25, 2016; October 23, 2017-Present)[]

On a background with wavy blue and gray lines, a slightly revamped version of the Comedy Central logo appears at the bottom (in blue and yellow), at first distorted, but quickly sharpening up. The transmitter on the top of the logo "activates" and then many yellow "this has been a presentation of" rings begin to emerge from the transmitter. A white copyright stamp is shown below, along with the "" URL.


Sometimes, the logo has no copyright stamp; only the URL in black. South Park episodes that did not have it were later added below on the versions.

On the DVD print of the South Park episode "Chef Aid" the logo starts at the exact time where the Comedy Central logo forms completely and cuts to black during the fourth bong.

5th logo (January 3, 1997-December 31, 1998; January 2, 2000-June 30, 2019; January 6, 2020-Present)[]

On a background with what looks like bubbles floating around, the Comedy Central logo, now in white, zooms-in from the center of the screen, glowing. Above it is "THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION OF...", and below it is the copyright stamp for the show (usually © [YEAR] Comedy Partners, Inc. All Rights Reserved). This logo has five different color palettes:

  • Silver background with red and silver bubbles. (January 3, 1997-December 12, 2008; February 12, 2009-Present)
  • Blue background with dark blue bubbles. (February 20, 1997-November 30, 2006; February 4, 2007-December 28, 2013; January 12, 2014-December 29, 2019; February 3, 2020-Present)
  • Green background with green and dark green bubbles. (September 7, 1998-November 30, 2007)
  • Red background with dark red bubbles. (October 1, 1998-December 21, 2006; September 6, 2007-Present)
  • Urobilin background with urobilin bubbles. (January 1, 2000-Present)
  • Purple background with purple bubbles. (March 7, 2001-Present)


  • On South Park episodes on Comedy Central with compressed credits, the "zooming-in" portion of the logo is removed.
  • In later years, the URL "" was seen at the bottom.
  • A copyright stamp was added on the South Park episodes shown at "".
  • A variant exists where the logo switches between the blue/dark blue, silver/red, and green/dark green palettes quickly.

6th logo (January 1, 1998-Present)[]

Over a shaded orange background, there are lots of yellow circles zooming toward the viewer. Each circle has zoomed-up bits of the current Comedy Central logo (much like the original, but looking more abstract, with different buildings and a different font) and other text to be seen at the end product. When the circles are done, they are treated with the end product, the updated Comedy Central logo in the center with "THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION OF" above in black, and "" below, in white. There is a backdrop of circles zooming behind the logo. it has various colors

  • Orange (January 1, 1998-April 30, 2004)
  • Green (January 1-December 31, 2004; December 24, 2010-February 2, 2011)
  • Blue (January 1, 2005-December 23, 2010; February 3, 2011-present)


  • On later seasons of South Park, this logo starts with the finished product on many episodes, bypassing the circles. A copyright stamp for Comedy Partners is included. A few episodes keep the animation as usual, but still have the copyright notice plastered over all the animation. The first variant also appeared on Comedy Central Presents.
  • Versions where the background is blue or green instead of orange exist.
  • Current reruns of South Park keep this logo intact; however, it is part of the split screen credits. Therefore, sometimes the logo is extended to fit with the length of the commercial (in case it is too long). This is done by having the logo play as normal with the last bit of the circle animation going on a continuous loop when the finished product appears.


From 2004-Onwards, most comedy central reruns stopped using this logo and just use the in-credit text "THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION OF COMEDY CENTRAL" with a copyright stamp below it.

7th logo (2004-2005)[]

On a yellow-orange background, the logo starts with several graffiti designs and a grunge-like Comedy Central logo, then it zooms in to the logo in the center with "this has been a presentation of" above in, and "" below.

8th logo (2004-2005-2023)[]

On a red background. There is a close-up of the Comedy Central logo. It then zooms out and cuts to the text "THIS HAS BEEN" and "A PRESENTATION OF" sliding next to a melting graffiti. "THIS HAS BEEN" flickers. It then cuts to the Comedy Central logo again. close up again as the text slides again on an angle. The white in the logo disappears as it turns black. The text flickers again and we see the logo appear once again in white. Everything flickers. as the logo changes position and from black to white. This all continues until the logo zooms in and cuts to black.


  • On funny bloopers, the logo is cropped into widescreen.
  • There is a version that has the word "PRESENTATION" misspelled as "PRESENTATON" and a differently shaded background.
    • A green variant also exists with the same misspelling error.

9th logo (2005-2016 (primary logo); 2016-Present (secondary logo))[]

Up against a lime green background, there is an extreme close-up of a white grunge-like Comedy Central logo with the circles in the letters "O" and "R" filled in, skewed to the right that flashes a bit, then it suddenly cuts to a normal version of the logo next to a green, white, and blue cloud with the text "PRODUCTIONS" in a grunge-like font with all circles filled in. A copyright stamp with the year of the South Park episode next to it appears below in white.

10th logo (2010-2015)[]

Up against a robin's egg blue background, the camera zooms into the upper right corner of the new Comedy Central logo that features a black letter "C" inside a bigger reverse black "C", revealing the white bold text "COMEDY CENTRAL" with the new logo in the upper right corner of the text. They zoom into the new logo, revealing the "COMEDY CENTRAL" text from before, but with the word "CENTRAL" backwards. The new Comedy Central logo squeezes into the middle of the text.

11th logo (2012-2019)[]

On a dark-gray background, the two Cs from the previous logo briefly wipe in while flickering. Then, the remaining "COMEDY" and "CENTRAL" (with "CENTRAL" upside-down) appear in between, left and right respectively. The final result has a robin's egg blue color similar to the background of the previous logo. A copyright stamp appears below.

12th logo (2012-2018)[]

It's pretty similar to the 10th logo, but the logo is mainly in black and white and is switching in negatives at some points, causing a "strobe light" effect. When they zoom into the trademark logo, the background flashes in orange and a second Comedy Central logo zooms in. They zoom in again and see the Comedy Central logo fully revealed. After a few seconds, the Comedy Central trademark logo zooms into the screen, with the letters spinning, as the background flashes again with orange.

13th logo (2018-)[]

There are two different variants:

  • 2018-2019: On a white background, the same C logo from before flies down into place, with "COMEDY CENTRAL" in a different font next to it, scrolling (the text also scrolls, looping) before stopping in the middle as the background changes to black.
  • 2019-: The looping text from 2018 scrolls down the screen on the same white background, before stopping at the same position as last time. The text recedes back into the C, which then zooms into the center of the screen.


1st logo (1990-November 1993)[]

Penn Jillette saying, "This has been a presentation of Comedy Central!".

2nd logo (November 1993-July 2019)[]

Penn Jillette says: "This has been a presentation of Comedy Central" along with the network's generic tune playing throughout (some drums playing against whistling), and ending with a man shouting "HEY!".

3rd logo (January 1994-November 2014)[]

The whirring of the credit card being inserted and the "beeping" sounds, like a real ATM.

Music/Sounds Variants

On "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" "Volcano" and "Weight Gain 4000" the whirring of the credit card is kept in, Which then cuts to the "interference" sound and the "bongs".

4th logo (January 1994-December 1998)[]

An "interference" sound followed by loud synth "bong" sounds as the "rings" come out from the transmitter, or the closing theme of the show. There are 11 bongs in total sometimes there's only 4.

Music/Sound Variants[]

A variant with different synth "bong" sounds exists which was seen on the South Park S1 episode "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut".

An off-sync version exists on the S2 episode "Chickenpox".

5th logo (January 1997-June 2019; January 2020-Present)[]

A low "WHOOSH" as the logo zooms in, followed by a hip hop and techno drum fanfare, a techno theme, or the closing theme of the show.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

On Comedy Central Presents, the last part of the RickMill Productions logo theme plays over the logo. On Don't Forget Your Toothbrush Win Ben Stein's Money and South Park, it's the sound of muffled slushing and bubbling.

6th logo (January 1998-Present)[]

A funky bass/guitar theme that loops itself, not unlike music heard on Comedy Central's commercial tags at the time. But on other shows, The closing theme plays over it.

Music/Sounds Variant[]

Sometimes, if the logo is plastering older or newer Comedy Central logos, the original logo's audio will still be heard.


The closing theme of the show.


A hip-hop/techno tune.


Same as the previous logo or sometimes a different hip-hop tune is used.

Music/Sounds Variants

  • On the DVD print of the episode "Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants" The closing theme of the show finishes over the logo
  • In Funny Bloopers Episode 54, The original presentation jingle is interrupted by KLM yelling "I'M GONNA GET YOU YOU F***ING SON OF A BI*** NI**A". As opposed to things that happened earlier


A bad guitar tune.


A cool rock tune, which is actually a piece of production music featured in many promos for other Viacom-owned networks (most notably Nickelodeon).


Three electronic xylophone notes, followed by two high synth notes. A noise sounding like a TV tuner interference can also be heard in the background.


A distorted bass sounder.


A techno theme, which is extended in the 2019 version.

Scare Factor[]


Low. Penn's loud, bombastic voice might startle some, however it's better than the Comedy Channel logo. Also, this is nothing compared to the next logo...


Depends on the variant:

  • Original Variant: Low to high. The jarring appearance and the man shouting "HEY!" might startle some.
  • MST3K Variant: None.


Minimal; much tamer than the 2nd logo.


Depends on the variant used:

  • Original Variant: Low to medium. The loud synth "bong" variant may get to some.
  • With The Show's Closing Theme: None.

Nevertheless, this was/is a favorite of many.


Minimal to low. The sudden appearance of the logo might startle some.


None. It can get a bit tiresome, but the colors are too bright to scare anyone.

7th logo[]


8th logo[]

Minimal to medium, The sudden flickers and cuts may startle a few people.

9th logo[]


10th logo[]

None, but it takes the crown from the Fox Video ugly tower for the ugliest logo of all-time.

11th logo[]

Low. The rapid zoom-ins might startle some.

12th logo[]

Low. The way the logo appears and the music might get to some, but it's nothing compared to the next logo.

13th logo[]

Low to high. The extremely fast-paced and screwed up nature of the logo and the nonsensical music can feel overwhelmingly unnerving to many. And its tamer than what we previously look
