Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki



(1985-1991): On a black background, there is a shirtless man howling or screaming while the camera zooms into his face. The word "CAUTION" (in pinkish red, with the "C" looking like a serpent that goes under the stylized "A" and "U") appears, with the byline "films that break the mold!" (also in pinkish red) appearing below it. The Japanese words "株式会社タカラ映像事業部" (A Film Division of the Takara Company) fade in on the bottom right corner of the screen.


(1991-1992): On a black background, the red word "CAUTION" from before spins quickly. After that, the slogan "films that break the mold!" in white, wipes in from left to right below the word "CAUTION". After a bit, the logo flips downward and the word "TAKARA" in a deep pink Bodoni font with a light blue outline flips in. The word shines before fading out.


1st logo: The man howling or screaming (the exact howl or scream varies from tape to tape), and then a loud timpani drum hit when the logo appears. The variant uses only the timpani sound.

2nd logo: The timpani drum sound from the previous logo.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

Medium to high for the howling variant, and Medium to nightmare for the screaming variant. Some will be unnerved by the dark atmosphere and the nonsensical subject matter. The timpani drum hit may also startle a few. Those who are used to it will have less of a problem, and some may love its overall humorousness and/or weirdness.

2nd logo[]

Low to medium. It may confuse some people who were expecting the original version but all thanks to the absence of the shirtless man, but timpani sound may still startle a few.

