Scary Logos Wiki


(1996-2014): We see some coals burning. An iron rod with a star-shaped brand on it plunges down onto the coals, and then we cut through numerous different shots of it. On the last one, the rod rises out of the coals, and we cut to a shot of it in the air, then it thrusts into the screen (surrounded by fire) after which the words "CARLTON Screen Advertising" fade in. The word "CARLTON" is the logo used from 1993-2002.


There were two closing versions, where the rod cools down. The other one had the rod and background fading out, leaving the logo on a black background.


A bunch of sound effects of the iron crashing into things.

Scare Factor[]

  • Opening Variant: Medium to nightmare. The flames, the rod smashing into the screen and the ominous soundtrack will scare many. It would raise by its omni-prescence in British cinemas, where it is even more suspenseful and loud than watching it on a small screen. Otherwise, it's low to medium if you're used to it or if you were actually expecting it.
  • Closing Variant: Low to high. The logo design and flames can still be a problem, especially the fade-out on the other variant, but it's a lot tamer than the previous logo.



Carlton Screen Advertising

The hell
