This is the predecessor of Telefe.
1st logo (1981)[]
On a black background, a white circle can be seen in the middle of the screen. Then, several multicolored lasers wipe in the circle, in which it zooms in to fill the rest of the screen. After a bit, the text "I98I" and "es". When they rest, a duplicate form and fly to the bottom of the stack, in which "o ce" wipes in. This formed the word "once", with the lines forming an "II". The text then fly into the background, leaving the lasers.
2nd logo (1982-1983)[]
On a black background, a grid can be seen scrolling along the bottom of the screen with a blue horizon. White lines then appear in the distance, drawing an outline of an obelisk, which then fills with white as 2 city rows wipe in with shining windows. This creates an effect similar to the print logo at the time, before a circle showing the top of the obelisk, like a magnifying glass, appear zooming to the screen. Once in the top, we can see a blue trapezium, which is cutt by a line that reach the bottom of the screen forming the words "L.S. 84 TV CANAL 11 BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA", and morphs into two lines, while a lines appear moving to the lines while appear to be "scanning" the word "ca al". The lines reach the blue lines and flashes, while the previous words fades in and finally showing "callal". The letters on the sides are in a very abstract-looking font, and are in red. The logo also now has a metallic shine to it.
A completely different, shorter version exists. On a black background, 4 light sparks, each in a different color and having 2 thick lines on the ends of them, fly across the screen. A blue light spark then appears and splits, drawing a pair of blue thick lines in the middle of the screen, with a white outline slowly expanding around them. The rest of the logo then forms in a similar fashion to the end of the main version. This version uses an abridged version of the synth cello.
3rd logo (1983)[]
On a black background, an orange neon lined lion with a blue crown resembling the Teleonce lion is seen with a neon blue camera. He begins to operate the camera and a neon blue "O" zooms in from the camera. The lion and camera fade out and the letters "N", "C", and "E" wipe in, forming "ONCE". The word spins in a panoramic view and then a neon horse rider leaps out of the "C" and grabs out a lasso. The lasso splits into 5 circles and horse rider disappears. 2 of the circles disappear and the remaining 3 turn into woman dancing can-can. The logo then cuts to an couple about to kiss in a dim room with smoke around it. We then cut to a ballerina dancing in the "O" which zooms in. The ballerina then morphs into a curtain which then opens up to reveal a clown. We then cut to a person playing a electric guitar in the "O" which also zooms in. We then cut to a person with a camera looking around. We then cut to a purple planet. A satellite spins around the planet. We then cut to a diver in the "O" ready to dive. The "O" then slides back and the diver then morphs into a plane and flies through the "O". The logo zooms out, revealing the words "CANAL ONCE". "LS 84 TV CANAL 11 - BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA" in blue then fades in below.
4th logo (1984-1985)[]
On a black background, "canal" in yellow zooms in while 2 large, italicized "1"s fly in a red outline, one slowly from the center and the other quickly from the top right. The "1"s also have thin "ramps" attached to the bottom of them. When they collide with each other, the outlines quickly fill with white, causing the background to become blue and the "11"red. The "11" then becomes darker and a white gradient fills the bottom half of the number. "LS 84 TV BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA" in white, also in a stacked position, then wipe in one by one next to the number.
5th logo (1985-1986)[]
On a black background, several stripes of orange and yellow shades wipe into a downward tube shape. A mound then forms with a yellow arrow growing out of it. Everything but the arrow then fades to blue, while the arrow fades is torn. It fades to a red "11" and "CANAL ONCE" fades in below, along with broadcast info on the bottom.
6th logo (1986-1988)[]
On a zooming space background, "canal" in a indigo futuristic font flips into place. A white "II" flips onto the N and plasters itself there. "LS 84 TV BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA" in white and in a stacked fashion fades in
7th logo (1988-1989)[]
On a black background with an orange glow spot in the lower right corner, a row of lines with a couple of bumps draws in and 2 more lines draw under the row of lines. Another row of lines draws itself onto the bottom lines and flashes. The lines disappear and the glow spot turns into a row of lines. The lines fly into the front of the screen and rotate forward. There is a white square on the other side and 2 pictures as well as "LS 84" in a Art Deco font fly and settle in. The "C", "A", second "A", and "L" zoom out and rotate as the "ll" zooms out with a particle effect. Another white square rotate to the top of the screen and "BUENOS AIRES" fades in. "LS 84" shines.
8th logo (1989)[]
In what appears to be a warehouse, there is a large box made of gray boxes with a "C" with a "O" in it. Gray blocks fly in to form agrayline. When the 4th block flies in, a gold version of the symbol with the "O" spinning rotates in. "nce", also in gold flies in as red, green, and a yellow line slide in. "Ls 84 Canal 11 Bs. As." inyellowslides in as a green line slides to the top of the box. The O continues to spin.
1st logo[]
2nd logo[]
Many computer beeps can be heard, in which it is followed by an synth flute/cello tune with the announcer.
3rd logo[]
A synthesized theme to fit the different cuts of the logo. While the three woman dance can-can, a synthesized arrangement of Infernal Galop from Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld(the tune most associated with this dance) is heard. An announcer may be heard sometimes.
4th logo[]
A heavy synth theme with 3 very loud notes at the beginning, with an announcer, ending with computer beeps.
5th logo[]
A dreamy synth tune with an announcer.
6th logo[]
Same as before but extended.
7th logo[]
An upbeat theme with an announcer.
8th logo[]
An dark rock tune with an announcer.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo[]
Low. The darkness, animation and silence may turn some off.
2nd logo[]
Low, mainly the announcer and beeps could get to some. Though it isn't as weird as the next two logos.
3rd logo[]
Medium. The neon effects, darkness and overall subject matter can frighten some, but it's still tamer then the next logo...
4th logo[]
Medium to high. The synth music is loud, and will put many off-guard. The weird animation and announcer might also get to some.
5th logo[]
Minimal; it's better than the previous logo.
6th logo[]
7th logo[]
8th logo[]
Low, thanks to the music and announcer.
ID de Canal 11 (1984) - Locución de Ricardo Jurado