Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1981-1986)[]

It is nothing more than the CIC Video logo (consisting of an odd-looking "CIC" in a very fat font with a small chain on the "I", and "VIDEO" in Aero Extended font) slowly fading in on a cloudy blue (or purple) background.


The prototype variant has no chain.

2nd logo ([1994|1986-1992; 1994])[]

Set against a black-blue gradient background, we see the three pieces of the chain fly from the edges of the screen, forming the chain. The "I" then flies in from the top of the screen, stopping were the chain is, the two C's then draw them self in, starting from the bottom up to the top. All three letters are also made of metal. "VIDEO" then flies in below, stopping under the CIC logo.


  • It's not very common in the UK and Germany, but on Aussie, Brazilian, and Argentine PAL, this variant is common: Just before the logo settles in place, a white flash is seen, and the logo is now set against a light blue background. Sometimes, only the still logo is seen, like on some Japanese tapes and LaserDiscs, as well as VHDs (basically the country's version of CED).
  • One variant has the CIC Video logo (blue background version) "morph" into the Paramount logo, which them morphs into the Universal logo. This was only seen on some South American videos as the beginning of a short promo to commemorative 1,000,000 copies of CIC Videotapes sold.
  • Some blue background variants have the logo zooming out to the top as a light blue marquee with white lines fades in below reading "GREAT FILMS", along with "from the Hollywood studios of PARAMOUNT & UNIVERSAL", which would lead into sneak previews of upcoming movies.

3rd logo (1986-1992)[]

  • Opening: The 2nd CIC logo forms and turns blue, it zooms out onto the scrolling filmstrip and "dissolves" into itsrespective space. The filmstrip has three boxes in it. The left has an engraved Paramount logo (Gulf+Western) in it, the middle box has an engraved CIC Video logo in it, and the box on the right has an engraved Universal logo in it (a wireframe globe inside a stylized U with "UNIVERSAL" below). We then see the word "PREVIEWS" or "PREVIEW" in gold or sliver scrolling past. The screen is then taken up by a white flash. On Chilean tapes released by Video Chile, a voiceover is used.
  • Closing: We start off with the white flash disappearing, Then we see the chrome filmstrip with 3 boxes in it. Suddenly, the CIC logo turns full color (that is, blue and white) and zooms up, taking up the entire screen.

4th logo (1990s)[]

On a lavender background, we see a filmstrip passing by us at an angle with "CIC VIDEO" on it. Suddenly, one of the CIC Video logos rises from the filmstrip and faces the screen. The "chain" flies forth and brings us the Portuguese words "qualidade de quem é original" (loosely, "genuine and original quality"), then bounces around and lands in the I of CIC.

5th logo (1991-1998)[]

On another black-blue gradient background, lights draw in the metallic CIC logo, and the word "VIDEO" turns in place. Once it's done, one of these variants happen:

  • The logo zooms out to the left, in a box, against the same type of background. Then, in another box to the right, Paramount's "CGI Mountain" logo animates.
  • In Australia, the logo would zoom up to the top, and two boxes would play the Paramount and Universal logos below it. Then, the CIC Video logo would zoom in again towards the viewer.
  • When Universal movies outside of North America were on tape, the logo would zoom out to the right, against the same type of background. Then, in another box to the left, Universal's logo animates.

6th logo (1997-2000)[]

On a blue-purple aurora background, we see the CIC logo of the time, but in blue, which zooms in towards the viewer. Suddenly, the chain glows, causing the flash to appear, revealing the word "WELCOME" below the CIC logo.


  • On some tapes, after the flash reveals "WELCOME", the logo zooms in quickly and turns into a dark blue background with aqua-colored crescent-like C's. Suddenly, the CIC logo bumps into them, causing the words "AVAILABLE TO BUY" or sometimes on rental tapes, "RENTAL RELEASES" with a aperture-like center behind them to appear. The CIC logo then goes into the text and then, the text suddenly zooms in faster, and after that, it flashes into the start of the first trailer.
  • After the previews, there is also a version in which is exactly the same as the "Available to Buy" version, but it plays faster than usual, "AVAILABLE TO BUY" is replaced with "FEATURE PRESENTATION", and after the text zooms in faster, it flashes into a BBFC film classification symbol (depending on ratings) on the same background as the main version. In Australian tapes, because they have a different rating system, it just flashed to black.
  • For DreamWorks tapes, there isn't usually previews, and the text is "DREAMWORKS FEATURE PRESENTATION".





An ascending synth-choir note, ending with 4 synth notes that rise in pitch (sounding like 'doo-doo-doo-doo') and a loud hit.


  • Opening: The music from the 2nd logo, then a deep bass sounder with a laser-like zap noise, and finally the 'doo-doo-doo-doo' noise and the loud hit.
  • Closing: the laser-like zap noise, with the deep bass sounder playing in the background, followed by an abridged version of the 'doo-doo-doo-doo' noise and loud hit.


Same as the previous logo.


A dreamy synth-orchestra tune.

Music/Sounds Variants[]

On some tapes including Star Trek: The Next Generation: Volume 22, the tune is higher in tone.


A peaceful chord-like tune. For the "ATB", "RR", and "FP" versions, after the tune, there's a whoosh sound, followed by a hip-hop like tune with a metallic "clang" sound, and then, the same whoosh again.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

None. It's just boring.

2nd logo[]

Low to medium; some people might get a little jumpy with the music. The morphing effect may set some people off too.

3rd logo[]

Low to medium. The music may still scare someone.

4th logo[]

Low. The music might frighten some.

5th logo[]

Minimal. The animation and music might get to some, but it's a very nice logo.

6th logo[]

None for the main version, but for the "ATB", "RR", and "FP" versions, it ranges between none to medium, the CIC logo flying may catch a few off guard.



CIC Video
