1st logo: Against a black background, a scene of a nighttime city (colored as if green lights are shining on it) against a blue sky that reflects against a dark sea zooms back, revealing a gold ring decorated with the words "BROADWAY VIDEO" in silver. It spins once, and as the logo stops, a red "V"-shaped bolt of lightning crosses it. The bolt's left side is as high as the top of the screen, while the right stops in the circle.
- There is a rare variant in which a white line comes in from the left and writes "presents" below in script.
- Around the early 2000s, the logo was redone. The animation is comparably smoother than the original (as it was edited on video, not film).
- There is a variant where the chryoned-in words "in association with" appeared below the logo after it finished. This is seen on The Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes All-Star 50th Anniversary.
- On Man Seeking Woman and the TV special Superman 50th Anniversary, copyright information appears below.
2nd logo: On a black background, there is a black ring (lighter than the background) with "BROADWAY VIDEO" surrounding it. Inside it is a stylized city skyline in white over a dark blue background. On top of everything is a translucent "V" in light blue. This logo is the current print logo for Broadway Video.
1st logo:
- Silent, or the end theme of the show.
- On the 1982 RCA Selectavision CED release of Saturday Night Live, Volume 2: Steve Martin/Richard Pryor, this accompanied by a quick bongo theme at the end of each side.
2nd logo: The closing theme of the show.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo: Low. This logo has held up remarkably well over the past 30+ years it has been used on SNL.
2nd logo: None.