Scary Logos Wiki


(1970s?-1980s): On a dark-bluish background, a white line zooms from the right to the centre, and curls into a rapidly revolving circle for about 2-3 seconds, and turns into a small "b", and flashes for a bit. The flashes then stop, and from the middle of the "b", the words "BERLIN FILM CO." fade in, followed by yellow Chinese characters underneath.


(1970s?-1980s): A dark fanfare along with a loud shrill sound that can be mostly heard around the 1st half, possibly stock since the fanfare is also used on rare occassions for the 2nd Feng Huang logo.

Scare Factor[]

(1970s?-1980s): Medium to high. That frighteningly dark fanfare will definitely scare a lot of first-time, unsuspecting and unaware viewers, but this logo by itself is more brighter than the infamous 2nd Feng Huang logo, which makes the scare factor somewhat a bit tamer down.



Berlin Film Co.
