Balakrishna Movies is a short-lived Indian film company that released only three movies: Thayin Karunai, Rani Mera Naam and Hifazat.
(November 2, 1965 - May 30, 1973): In front of a red curtain, we see a Hindu god in some sort of monument. After about five seconds, he throws a choppy-looking "beam" at the screen, and, when it disappears,
appears under the monument in yellow text.
There are two music versions:
- On the Tamil film Thayin Karunai (1965) and Rani Mera Naam (1972), a quiet melody with a sitar.
- On Hifazat, a loud dramatic note that is abruptly used, after five seconds of silence.
Scare Factor[]
It depends.
- 1965-1972: Low. The god's hand throwing the "beam" at you may catch viewers off-guard, but the sitar theme is rather calming compared to the variant.
- 1973: Medium to nightmare. The fanfare is rather sudden and a lot more surprising than the previous variant, especially with the silence on it during the first five seconds. However, it's low to medium for those even used to seeing it. Others may not be affected by this, however.