Logo (2008)

Logo (2004 - 2005)
1st logo (2004-2005)[]
We start with a lens flare sun and Earth with grids moving to opposite directions (the sun from the right and Earth from the left). The Sun moves off screen whereas the Earth spins further away from the screen as BG in white zoom out below the globe. An arched filmstrip fades in above the Earth as Bala G. Films [P] Ltd. zoom out, turning from black to yellow once they stop. Presents then fades in below.
There's a variant where the company name is shown in blue, then black, and the logo flashes before a line is drawn at the bottom.
2nd logo (2008)[]
A close-up shot of a gold film canister is seen, as the camera turns through one of the holes of said canister. The canister spins a bit as it tilts and Bala. G. FILMS appears in the background, sliding. A gold filmstrip is seen running into the canister as a gold streak is drawn in front before fading out. The filmstrip flashes with the company name in from on an angle, with several copies of the company name in the background sliding, turning from white to gold after passing the canister.
1st logo[]
A loud rising synth sound and several whooshes, along with a droning synth tune in the background.
2nd logo[]
A whoosh is heard, then the tail end of the 3rd Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment logo plays.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo[]
Medium to nightmare. The appearances of the Sun and Earth are rather sudden, and it doesn't help with the loud music.
2nd logo[]
Low. It's noticeably tamer than the last logo, though the closeups and whooshes may catch some off-guard. Others, however, might be laughing at the stolen music in the 2nd half.