Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki

1st Logo (Early 1980’s)[]

On an orange background, we see a yellow vertical arc. Placed inside it there's a pink face of a baby with bold eyebrows and a big red pacifier on it's mouth. Below it there's a big orange circle. Below the arc and baby, a pink item with another green circle on it's hole it's seen. In front of them there's the computerized text: "baby" in white, and "video" in blue.



Scare Factor[]

Low to medium. The cheesiness, lack of music, menacing look of the baby and bad colour scheme will definitely unsettle many. Nightmare if it gives you sleep disorders.

2nd Logo (Late 1980’s)[]

On a dark brown background, there is a white box that inside it has the text "baby" in orange, and "VIDEO" in light blue.

Music Sounds[]


Scare Factor[]

None To Minimal. The Lack Of Music Might Unsettle Some.
