Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1982-1993?)[]

On a black background, we see "AV" in a modified Motter Ombra font, made out of gold with some light sparks, zooming in from the near-top towards the viewer until it reaches at a comfortable distance. There are 9 blue-gray 4-pointed stars shooting and shining in the following order:

  • The first one shoots at the bottom-left corner.
  • The second one shoots at the near-bottom-right and disappears.
  • Third and fourth stars shine on the bottom of the "V" and in the gap of the "A", respectively.
  • The fifth star shoots at the bottom-right.
  • Sixth and seventh stars shine on the bottom of the "A" and on the bottom gap between "A" and "V", respectively.
  • The eighth star shines on the bottom gap between "A" and "V", again like the seventh star did, expect it moves to the near-bottom-left, when it disappears, and reappears making the company name below the "AV".
  • The ninth and the last star shines on the last letter of the company name (S).

2nd logo (1993-2005?)[]

On a canvas, the "AV" logo from before is sketched and filled in orange. The background then fades and the letters turn golden and in 3D. "AUDIO VISUAL ENTERPRISES" in white appears below, and the logo shines.

3rd logo (2005?-)[]

We rise from a sea, which reveals a man on a boat worshipping the sun. We slowly zoom to the sun, which transforms into an "AV" logo, while "AUDIO VISUAL" along a smaller "ENTERTAINMENT" text fade in.



A piano tune with a synthesized electric guitar tune.

Music/Sounds Variant(s)[]

A variant of this logo theme can be heard on the Audio Visual Home Video logo.


Scribbling sounds followed by a reversed cymbal crash.


Sounds of water splashing followed by ascending soundtrack with six-note piano entry.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

Minimal to medium. The shining and zooming in might get to some people.

2nd logo[]

None to low. The sounds can catch some off-guard, but it's a really cool logo.

3rd logo[]

None, it's very mesmerizing.



Audio Visual Enterprises (1989-2006) (variant)
