1st logo (2000-2002)[]
On a black background, we see a red circle with a black dragon, outlined in white that is breathing out fire. Then suddenly, the name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” in white lettering zooms out mid-fast from screen center underneath the dragon. The dragon roars while the name is being positioned under the dragon.
2nd logo (2003)[]
On a black background with flames, we see a red circle that now has a cut shape of the same dragon from the 1st logo. The dragon’s head turns once in 3D effects. The dragon also roars like somewhat of a lion or tiger. The name “ANGRY DRAGON ENTERTAINMENT” appears later.
1st logo[]
A fiery whoosh.
2nd logo[]
Flame sounds and a brief dragon roar, ending in a gong.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo[]
Low to high. The loud whoosh may catch some off guard as well as the menacing logo design, but it's mostly harmless, compared to the next logo...
2nd logo[]
Medium to nightmare. The added flames and the dragon turning its head may cause some scares.