1st logo: This is the launch variant. We fade into the sillhouette of the knight on horseback statue. Some light shines on him, and a few seconds later, the pennon is revealed by the light and the turntable starts spinning. The camera fades onto the horse, the knight's head and finally ending on the "Anglia" pennon. The statue stops spinning and the logo fades away.
2nd logo: On a white background, the pitch-black knight with the horse is seen. A few seconds later, the statue itself is revealed from its shadow. Just like in the previous variant, the camera fades into the horse, the knight and the pennon.
3rd logo: The camera fades in with this time the knight on horseback statue being static, with a text in front of it, which says "FROM EAST ANGLIA". The camera fades in to the "Anglia" pennon.
4th logo: The knight statue is seen spinning on a blue background. The camera jump-cuts from a wide shot to a horse to the pennon, the torso of the knight, a closed-up wide shot, the legs of the horse and partially the knight, the pennon once again, the knight's head, and ending on another wide shot. The statue spins clockwise and when it starts facing to the left, the camera zooms into the "Anglia" pennon and the turntable stops spinning.
5th logo: A short variation of the 3rd logo is played, starting in the wide shot of the knight on horseback and then the camera zooms into the pennon. In some variants, the statue keeps spinning when the camera zooms into the flag, and in some variations, the statue stops once the camera has stopped zooming in.
6th logo: This time, the knight with the horse is standing on the top of a hill. A few seconds later, a text which says "Anglia PRESENTS" appears. The logo fades to black.
7th logo: This is a station variant. The statue is static yet again, but this time it's on a blue background with a yellow stripe underneath. Next to the statue is the word "Anglia", also in the same font as the pennon's.
8th logo: On a gray background, which resembles a mountain, we see 7 triangles fade, representing the letter "A", then a cyan triangle, a dark blue triangle and another cyan triangle. All of the symbols flow together like a flag. Finally, the text "ANGLIA" fades in.
9th logo: This is the ITV generic ident for Anglia Television. The logo plays as usual, but in the bottom of it is a text which reads "ANGLIA", representing the station. Finally, the Anglia 'flag' fades in in the place of the cyan triangle with three stripes.
10th logo: This is the 40th anniversary ident. This time, the 'flag' is completed and alongside it is the Anglia knight on horseback statue, which are both zooming out. The 'flag' stops zooming in and the "ANGLIA" text fades in, along with the "40 YEARS" text zooming in. The knight then stops spinning.
11th logo: This is another ITV generic ident, adapted nearly at the time where all of the regional ITV stations merged into ITV 1. A video plays, depending on the variant, and then it cuts to a blue background with a bunch of hearts spinning. With it is the Anglia 'flag' (only this time it's a square), the "ANGLIA" text and underneath it, the ITV logo at the time.
1st logo: A bombastic, full-on orchestral arrangement of Handel's Water Music by Malcolm Sargent.
2nd logo: See above.
3rd logo: Shortened version of Malcolm's arrangement.
4th logo: A re-arranged version of Malcolm's arrangement.
5th logo: A shortened version of the re-arranged fanfare. In some variants, a continuity announcer will speak about the upcoming programmes.
6th logo: See above (minus the second sentence).
7th logo: A continuity announcer saying "This is Anglia Television." In some variants, after the continuity announcement, the shortened re-arranged fanfare plays.
8th logo: The first variant has a more serious tone, while the newer has a much calmer and sombre tone. The third one, appears to be a little bit more calmer while the fourth one is an extended arrangement of the second variant.
9th logo: Same as any other ITV 1989 generic idents from the time of airing it on Anglia.
10th logo: Same as the 2nd arrangement of the original 'flag' logo.
11th logo: Same as any other ITV "Hearts" idents.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo: Low to medium. The bombastic fanfare and darkness can scare some.
2nd logo: See above.
3rd logo: See above.
4th logo: Low to medium. The logo has been now re-shot in colour, which can lower the scare factor. The bombastic fanfare has been re-arranged again, which can scare some. Plus, the sudden cuts from one of the statue's features to another may raise up the factor.
5th logo: Medium to high. The sudden start of the fanfare accompanied by the zooming may scare some.
6th logo: Medium to high. The fanfare and the sudden appearance of the "Anglia PRESENTS" subtitle also may scare some. Oh, and the logo is VERY scratched up.
7th logo: Low to medium. The bombastic fanfare may play suddenly.
8th logo: None to low. The music is relaxing and the visuals are calmer.
9th logo: None to low. The fading in from the Anglia 'flag' may spook some.
10th logo: Low to medium. The close starting position of the knight may scare some. Otherwise, this is a majestic logo.
11th logo: None. The music will make you want to dance and the visuals aren't scary.
The Anglia ident used in 1988.