1st Logo: Against a black background, we see six overlapping circles of varying sizes. In the center is a compass with the north, west, and south arrows pointing to the innermost circle and the east arrow pointing to the outermost circle. Behind it is a seventh, smaller circle to which the four ordinal directions point. At its core is a black circle with "EEN" inside it. To the right is the text
in what appears to be ITC Avant Garde Gothic.
2nd Logo: On a maroon background, we see the text
in Copperplate, which zooms in slightly. There is a shining wipe on the text.
Variant: There is a variant which has "BOSTON" under the text.
3rd Logo: On a black background with 2 orange/brown squares, we the letters "Aps" in orange/brown with the words "American Program Service" below the letters zooming out from us, with the "p" slightly on top of the "A", a white bracket revealing the "p", and a black bracket revealing the "s". Once the letters shift into place, the words:
For Public
appear below the letters "ps", while a small flash appears above the "A" in the top left hand corner. Also, one of the squares disappears, leaving one square in the background, which rotates.
4th Logo: On a black background, we see three squares—one in the distance zooming out, one with a white outline that flips, and one with red outlining. Each one is blue with transparent lines and watermarks of the name, close-up and in a Helvetica font. As the watermarks scroll to the right and zoom in, a red outline forms another square, which appears like a CRT-TV being turned on as "American Public Television" fades in; it is in the same color and has another watermark of the name with the camera panning on it.
2000 Variant: The URL text "aptonline.org" appeared under the company's name. The first few seconds of the animation are also cut off. In more recent years, it reads "APTonline.org".
On The Organ Wise Guys Shorts Variant: shorts, the logo appears at the bottom of the screen with the text: "Copyright (C) (Year) American Public Television" to the left of the logo.
Each variant may appear in widescreen.
5th Logo: Nearly the same as before, but there are a few differences:
- The logo is darker and seemingly quicker in pace.
- The company name is stretched.
- The square with "American Public Television" appears via a "wipe-in" effect.
- "American Public Television" is in a different font.
- There are spotlights shining over the logo.
Variant: Originally, there was no URL in the logo, but starting in late-2009, the URL text "APTonline.org" appears under the company's name.
6th Logo: On a shady steel gray/blue gradient background, we see the words "American Public Television" appear in the Times New Roman font. Then, several blue/aqua/white-textured squares zoom out from the sides of the screen and the URL "aptonline.org" appears below.
Doc Martin Variant: The 4:3 version of the logo is stretched to fill the 16:9 image.
Nightly Business Report Variant: The logo fades in and out.
1st Logo: Just an announcer saying, "This is the Eastern Educational Television Network."
2nd Logo: None. In other cases, it uses the end theme of the show.
3rd Logo: A rather triumphant synth tune with snare drumroll sounds, produced on the E-mu Proteus 2 Orchestral synthesizer using the Percussion 1 (Patch #58) instrument patch.
Variant: Sometimes, the logo is silent.
4th Logo: Same as the last logo.
5th Logo: Same as the 3rd and 4th logos.
6th Logo: A re-arranged version of the last 3 notes of the 1996 music. Otherwise, the actual 1996 theme is used.
Scare Factor[]
1st Logo: None
2nd Logo: None
3rd Logo: Low
4th Logo: Low
5th Logo: Low
6th Logo: Low