The Tokyo Brackets (2004-2007)[]
We see the real-life photograph of a location from Tokyo, Japan. In these IDs, we see the Adult Swim brackets closed inside an object, and the location (Stylized as //[LOCATION]//) and timestamps of when the photograph was taken.
There are a lot of variants, including:
- Fujiyama: We see a view from a city, with Mt. Fuji in view. The brackets are closed inside the mountain.
- Shinjuku-ku:
- 7:16 PM: In a plain biome, we see many orange clouds. The brackets are closed inside a cloud. 10:59 AM: The brackets are closed on an arrow that's on a crossing sign.
- 11:11 AM: The brackets are closed inside the light of a lamppost.
- 2:42 PM: There are no brackets. 4:15 PM: The brackets are closed inside a tennis ball.
- 5:40 AM: There are no brackets.
- Minato-ku: We see a view of the Tokyo Tower in night. The brackets are barely visible, and are closed inside the Tokyo Tower.
- Chiyoda-ku:
- 5:44 PM: There are no brackets. 10:44 AM: The brackets are closed inside an officer's head.
- 1:18 PM: The brackets are closed inside an emblem.
- Asakusa: The brackets are closed inside a lamp.
- Ginza:
- 5:51 AM: The brackets are closed inside a rod.
- 7:51 AM: We see a photo of a man with a white suit. The photo contains an orange-like 'light' in the left, almost looking like fire. The brackets are closed inside a man's head.
Simplistic Action (2005-2008)[]
All of the IDs here contain an action and Japanese theme to them. See variants for the list of IDs. There were 2 sets of these bumps.
- It Is Time For More: TBA
- FMA Balloon Scroll: Screen starts off with a close up of balloons, then pans to the right side of the screen showing more balloons. The screen then zooms out and pans down a scroll showing a picture of the Elric Brothers from the show. A panel then shows some Japanese text scrolling in from the right of the screen diagonally, Another panel displays a War Tank scrolling in from the left over a black and orange background that appears to be some kind of land. The panel under that shows red Japanese text (translating to "Adult Swim is Your Friend") then the panel below has "Fullmetal Alchemist" displaying in orange. The last panel shows a Horse-like creature with a Lightning Bolt for a Tail over an alternating black and red background that spins. The scroll is followed by Red Japanese text (Translating to "Adult Swim"). There is a 10 second variant of the bump that removes the close up shots of the balloons. That variant later got another slight change that adds some 2nd gen VHS effects to it.
- Come Along Friend: TBA
- ACTN Owl: On a dark white background, we first see small red Japanese text. We then scroll down to see many tan lines. Whilst scrolling, we see 2 duplicates of the Japanese words "大人の楽しみ" ("Adult Fun") inside 2 tan lines. On top of all of this are red geometric lines in the shape of an owl's face. We stop scrolling down to see 3 tan circles, with the AcTN logo sliding up on the circle in the middle.
- Fun4Adults: On a black background, a red face slides from below. Simultaneously, the same Japanese text from the Owl ID, "大人の楽しみ", slides from top. Then, the words "FUN4ADULTS" and "冬ブヨがうじゃうじゃ周りに いるよ!" (Roughly "Winter fireflies are around!") slides from the left. The face then nods repeatedly.
- Clouds over Williams Street: On a light green background, we see a black bar facing sideways. Then, a light red building slides from above, which looks very similar to the building that the Williams Street Productions logo uses. Then, the Japanese text "見逃すな!アダルト スイム" ("Don't miss it! Adult Swim") respectively slide to each other on the black bar. White clouds then slide up behind the building.
- Dog Hit By Arrow: On a light blue background with flowers on all corners of the screen, we see the silhouette of a wolf's head. A black arrow then flies from the right, slowly moving to the head. When it reaches the head, black blood drops appear, and then red kanji text appears below the head. The logo then disappears and cuts to the Adult Swim logo in Japanese.
- Trigun Pink Western Guy: On a violet background with a plain violet ground, a white circle with 'eyes' and a large pink sunburst slides up. Then, 4 spinning pink pinwheels slide up from the ground. Then, a child in a pink cowboy costume holding a gun slides in from the right. Simultaneously, a black figure slides above the ground behind the spinning sunburst. The words "t r i g u n" slides from above in the ground, in pink.
- Spider Dropping with Guy's Head: TBA
- Atom Bomb & Horse: On a dark blue background with multiple thin lines arround the screen, we see a yellow letter "A" with cloud-like lines all over the letter. Then, a trapezoidal black-and-white picture of people looking at a mushroom cloud slides up inside the A. Simultaneously, a yellow square slides up to the bottom-right of the screen (next to the A). Then, a white picture of a Pegasus slides up behind the yellow square, with a registration trademark symbol (®) on it's horn. Then, a letter "S" slides up inside the yellow A, forming the letters "AS", the abbreviation for Adult Swim. Inside the yellow square, black Japanese text slides in from the right. Simultaneously, 4 small 'clouds' slide in from the right, one-by-one. In the last of the line of clouds is a picture of a bear-like face with a colorless rainbow on it's head and a single arm (this is one of the many symbols for AcTN, with it being frequently used on the block. This particular symbol is nicknamed "One Handed Guy".).
- We'd Like To See You Try: On a rusty yellow background, we see red text on the right that says "WE'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY". On the left is a man, holding a rectangular object in front of his eyes. On top of the text is a sledgehammer. The sledgehammer then hits the man, and a burst that says "OK!" appears.
- ACTN Green One Handed Guy: On a sea green background, we see rings of light green squares rotating around the screen. The squares are spiraling around the One Handed Guy symbol, with the word "A C T N" below the symbol. The symbol and text rotates as well.
- Bull Film Reel: On a black background, a dark yellow card slides from above, with a frame-like border around it. The card displays what seems to be a minotaur with wings, holding a sword. Next to the minotaur's legs are 2 unicorns, holding axes. Another card slides in from above, containing the same words from the ACTN Owl ID, "大人の楽しみ". The last slide is a banner on top of a cloud. Below the cloud is the Adult Swim logo in Japanese. Above the banner is more Japanese text.
- Blue Film Reel: On a black background, a light blue card slides from above, similar to the Bull Film ID. There are 3 cards, all in sky-blue. The first card contains a 'dead' face. The second card contains the same Japanese text from the ACTN Owl ID, "大人の楽しみ". The final slide contains a turquoise circle with hands crossed, containing 2 axes, and the Adult Swim logo in Japanese (This is another symbol for AcTN, being nicknamed as "Arms with Tear").
- Don't Even Try To Read This: On a white-grey gradient background with a red triangle in the center, we see 2 lines, one in light blue and one in black, sliding down from above and below, to stack on top of eachother. The Japanese words "アドルトスイムはあなたの味方です" ("Adult Swim is your friend") slide inside the light blue line, while the words "don't even try to read this" in grey slides inside the black line. Simultaneously, 2 One Handed Guy symbols slide from the left and right of the screen, and the head of a lamb is seen on the red triangle. Then, the same words from the Clouds over Williams Street ID, "見逃すな!" ("Don't Miss It!") slides in from above.
- Bear with Hockey Mask: On a sea green background with a green 'triangle', a hockey mask slides up behind a green rectangle. Then, a minotaur wearing a suit slides from the right of the 'triangle'. Suddenly, the hockey mask jumps up, revealing that it's a bear wearing a hockey mask. A scope (those seen in sniper rifles) aims at the bear. Japanese text slides above. To the left of the wordmark is the face of a bull with wings, with Japanese text below it.
- Cowboy Bebop Sherriff Star: TBA
- Clown & Griffin Oil Well (Crane Head): TBA
- ACTN Orange Fun Start Soon Now (25c): We first see an orange version of the Arms with Tear symbol slide up. Then, a white box containing hard-to-describe features slides in from the right. Then, a 'dead' face slides up inside an orange line. Then, the camera pans down to reveal the giant letters "NOW" in a grey shadow. Japanese text is seen below the NOW text. We then pan down to see the back of a man on an orange background. A speech bubble appears, containing the One Handed Guy symbol and Japanese text below the symbol, appears. The camera pans down to make way for a robotic-like arm to rotate behind the man. The arm then shoots tracked lines against a person with the head of a wolf, wearing army-like clothing. The person's head gets it's eyes plastered by black X's. A bubble reading "25𝇍" appears below the person. The camera then pans down to the AcTN wordmark. To the left is the same minotaur symbol from the Bear With Hockey Mask ID. Above the wordmark is the Adult Swim logo in Japanese.
- Bear in the Forrest ACTN: TBA
Asian Robots: Crawling (2010-2011)[]
We see an asian robot.
Asian Robots: Face (2010-2011)[]
We see a face of an asian robot.
Clown Kids: Buffet Girl (2011?)[]
Animals: Cat on Slide (2011)[]
We see a calico cat wearing what appears to be a little white tank top shirt while being green screened onto footage of a first-person view of a person going down a large pink slide surrounded by other colorful slides in a carnival while the cat moves vertically up and down making it like its going down the slide. Before sliding down to bottom, the "as" logo pops up with the background being all black and the text showing the ID.
Animals: Stocks Cat (2011, 2013)[]
Cow and Hay Bales (2011)[]
During daytime, a grassy area is seen. There is an odd arrangement of hay bales, as well as a single hay bale separated from the arrangement. A cow appears from under the hay bales and tries to get up on top of them. The cow then trips and falls on the hay bales, which turns out to be the Penrose Stairs made of Hay Bales. Due to the never ending design of the Penrose Stairs, the cow keeps on falling down them.
Space Chickens (2011)[]
In space, a large egg with visible mechanical insides and a cup-like part underneath is seen, with an identical, but smaller ship on top of it. The ship also has the [AS] logo and the US flag on it. A chicken holding a US flag and wearing an egg as a helmet comes out of the smaller ship and lands on the larger egg ship, placing the flag. Another, smaller ship lands on the small ship, and the chicken that comes out does the same thing. More ships and chickens appear.
Tiger Invasion (2011)[]
A city is seen, during daytime. A huge, UFO-like creature with the texture of tiger skin and with eyes on the lower half. There are ears on both the top and bottom. The camera zooms out to show another one, with a mouth open. On the left side, there is an alien with at least 5 spider-like fuzzy legs and a main body resembling a tiger's face, except that the mouth the mains open and more faces are underneath each other. More of these creatures are seen coming out of the UFO's mouth and jumping onto the ground, which isn't visible.
Elephant Spiral (2011)[]
On an orange background (somewhat reminiscent of the Lightning Video logo), a long creature resembling a line of elephants, but with more elephants instead of faces, is seen walking on another similar creature, while another walks on top. We zoom out and we find out that the creature is a spiral.
Watching is Better than Living (2012-2014)[]
There are 2 IDs:
On a royal blue background, between 2 red 'checkerboard' rectangles, we see a wireframed owl sitting on a wireframed rock. There is off-centered text below saying "WATCHING IS BETTER THAN LIVING". The logo's colors constantly invert to the beat of the song. We see a bunch of black-and-white geometric shapes around the screen. On the middle is a black-and-white owl. The same text is seen below.
Santa (2013)[]
On a black background, we see Santa standing at the right, looking at an orange Christmas tree with the top of the tree ignited with a flame. After approximately 3 seconds, a hammer comes down and smashes Santa, as the Adult Swim logo appears in the top-right corner.
Monster (2014)[]
In a beach, a monster suddenly appears. We pan through the monster destroying the top of a building and eating the top of it. We pan to the monster holding cars, and then we pan to the monster slipping and tripping on cars, thus destroying the building and forming the Adult Swim logo.
Carrot (2014)[]
In a grass setting, we see a carrot crawling. We then zoom out to reveal a horse, whose body stretches like a worm whenever he walks. He then sees the carrot, and its pupils grow wide and the horse tries to eat the carrot. The horse then tangles his head trying to eat the carrot, and the Adult Swim logo can be briefly seen.
Astronaut (2014)[]
In space, we see an astronaut hammering a washing machine with the Adult Swim logo on it. The hammer then hits the astronaut and he falls into the earth and lands on a whale. The astronaut is then sent flying back up into space and the washing machine shoots a laser at the moon, halving it and revealing a freaky spider-like cat along with some small ones as well. The cat then shoots green lasers.
Toilet Cow (2014)[]
In a small room, we see a toilet. Out of nowhere, a spider-like cow with utters covering each leg climbs out the toilet, and spits out toilet lids with the very last one having the top part of a toilet lid. The top part of the last lid then opens up to reveal a white blob with cow spots. Then, utters form and create another toilet while the setting fades to a cloudy background. A cow with firework spark-like eyes then comes out of the toilet while its ears appear. The cow then moos at the viewer and all of a sudden, the Adult Swim logo appears.
Bear How It's Made (2015)[]
We see a blue teddy bear sitting on a shelf with some other toys as it zooms in on it. The scene then cuts to a first person view of a man shooting a blue bear, with blood coming from it when it's shot. It then cuts to the teddy bear's face, which cuts to other scenes (A knife cutting through the dead bear, A man stuffing red cotton inside the bear, which is now stitched, The same man sewing the bear, and a man ripping the fur off from a body-less bear head, which reveals its skull). It then cuts back to the teddy bear, as "[AS]" in white pops in.
Long Pork (2015-)[]
We see a pig with a human face and blond hair in a dirty room, with an axe, a butchers knife, a katana, a bonesaw and other weapons. The man-pig pees, and the logo cuts to black were we see a man chop this man-pig up. We cut back to the man-pig as he falls apart into pieces. We then cut to a black background with the words [adult swim] in pink.
Nitty Gritty (2015-)[]
We see an elderly woman in a rocking chair knitting. The camera cuts to a side view, and to her sewing needles, which are knitting material with red fluid dripping off of it. The camera then cuts to the floor where we see the remains of the elder's legs, then the camera zooms out where we see the skeletons and corpses of several other animals. Finally, it cuts to a blood red screen with the words [adult swim] in green.
Akira (2015)[]
Fight Room (2015)[]
The text [adult swim] is shown in white over a scene of two contestants preparing to fight each other in what looks like a cage with lights shining into it. The one on the left is wearing a blue helmet and shorts, while the one on the right is wearing red; both are shirtless. The [adult swim] text pans downwards as the words "FIGHT ROOM sponsored by" appear above it. When this text disappears, a yellow chainsaw comes onscreen, accompanied by the words "CHAINSAW MATCH special" in red lettering. The chainsaw spins in the center of the scene before morphing into two chainsaws, one of which goes to each contestant. The camera zooms in on Blue as he looks down at his chainsaw before suddenly glancing up. We cut to the Red running towards Blue, who blocks his attack. The camera cuts between the two contestants with their blades locked and sparks flying, until the Blue suddenly thrusts upwards, causing Red's chainsaw to go flying in the air. Both contestants give a shocked look, and the chainsaw comes falling down, lodging in Red's head. Blood pours down his face, and his body is ultimately flayed open as Blue looks on in horror with gore splattering onto him. As the Blue stares down at Red's body, dollar bills come raining down, and the text "BLUE WIN$! sponsored by [adult swim]" appears onscreen.
Mountain (2015)[]
Flower (2015)[]
Clarke (2016)[]
We see a bird monster and a pink giant, the bird monster then runs and the pink giant follows him, the pink giant picks up the large bird then saids huh? and then he realizes he killed the bird and starts screeching bloody murder then his eyes roll back into his head like a great white shark, and we zoom into the pink giant's mouth to reveal the words [adult swim].
Thanksgiving (2016)[]
We see the same pink giant from "Clarke" staring at the viewer in a house. We then suddenly zoom on the giant while we see a creature with the same skin and face as the "turkey" from "Clarke" breaking into the house. The giant then screeches. During all of this, the "[AS]" logo is seen in the top-right corner.
We Know You're Home (2016-)[]
On a black background we see 3 buttons in the middle of the screen from left to right. The left button being green and has a white phone icon on the left side of the button and next to it on right side of it the white text "ANSWER" is seen. The middle button also being green but is more longer then the ones between it, and has a rectangular outline on the left of the button resembling a window while the right side of it having the text "ANSWER WITH VIDEO" appears. Then the right button being red and the left side of the button having the same icon as the green one on the left side of the screen while also having the white text on right side of the button "DECLINE" on it. The white text below the buttons "PICK UP" appear for a second and then at the same time at the same position the white text "We Know You're Home" appears until it cuts out to the [adult swim] logo.
Gym Bunny (2017)[]
Gym Horse (2017)[]
We see a horse and its foal in the gym, with the foal weightlifting and the horse on the treadmill. The camera cuts to a boombox near it, then the horse increases the speed of the treadmill, causing it to fall over and crush its tail, spewing out guts that read [AS].
Gary Takes The Elevator (2018-)[]
We see a red demon with blond hair, a yellow polo shirt and khakis (Gary) from behind. He is on a ledge in a hellish atmosphere, and is in front of an elevator. He presses the elevator's button before turning to face the camera as he waits, scratching his leg. The elevator opens to reveal a gray monster with tentacles and one glowing red eye as Gary jumps back against the wall in horror. The monster unfurls its tongue and devours Gary as the doors close again, this time with the words "Adult Swim" written on them in black.
Gary Gets A Virus (2018-)[]
We see a close-up of a messy computer desk. On it is a file reading "From Claude", which is then picked up by Gary from the last ID. We zoom out to see more of the hellish atmosphere as Gary takes a look at the file and a floppy disc falls out. Gary picks up the disc and inserts it into the computer. The monitor begins flashing black, red and white, with a skull shape appearing on the screen before a black slimy creature emerges and devours Gary, forming the words "Adult Swim" on the wall with its tentacles.
Claude Follows Directions (2018-)[]
We see a red devil with glasses, a yellow polo shirt and khakis (Claude) holding a clipboard, along with a brunette woman with a purple shirt. Both are standing on a ledge. To Claude's right is a lever, and to the woman's right is a contraption with several sharp implements. Claude looks at his clipboard and pushes a lever, causing the contraption to be activated. The woman is startled, and the camera zooms in on her as she trembles in fear. It then pans over to the contraption, before panning back to the woman and Claude, who pushes her to the right. It ultimately pans down as the woman is presumably killed by the contraption, her blood splattering on the floor and forming the words "ADULT SWIM".
The Tokyo Brackets[]
An excerpt of a song. Just like the AcTN IDs, each variant uses a different song.
- Fujiyama: Dead Right by Psyche Origami
- Shinjuku-Ku 5:40 AM: Rugged Tranquility by Yesterday's New Quintet
- Shinjuku-Ku 10:59 AM: Afghanistan Dan's Skating Stand by Five Deez
- Shinjuku-Ku 11:11 AM: Say Intro by Five Deez Shinjuku-Ku 2:42 PM: Daylight by Yesterday's New Quintet
- Shinjuku-Ku 4:15 PM: No Negotiation by Psyche Origami Shinjuku-Ku 7:16 PM: Sun Goddess by Yesterday's New Quintet
- Minato-Ku: Eye Detector by Psyche Origami
- Chiyoda-Ku 10:44 AM: Keep Swingin by Psyche Origami
- Chiyoda-Ku 1:18 PM: Paladium by Yesterday's New Quintet
- Chiyoda-Ku 5:44 PM: Dead Right by Psyche Origami
- Asakusa 1:17 PM: Little Girl (Dakota's Song) by Yesterday's New Quintet
- Asakusa 2:55 PM: Keeper of My Soul by Yesterday's New Quintet
- Asakusa 6:20 PM: Say Intro by Five Deez
Simplistic Action[]
An excerpt of a song. Each variant uses a different song:
- Fun4Adults: Knick Knack by Sylvette Baeckler
- Dog Hit By Arrow: Closure by Minamina Goodsong
- We'd Like To See You Try: Sure by Benoit Raymond
- Bull Film Reel: Rusty Razor by Minamina Goodsong (Mislabeled as First Movement by the same artist on both YouTube and iTunes)
- Blue Film Reel: We Are by Minamina Goodsong
- Clouds over Williams Street: Either Overland Post by Peter Ratzenbeck, or Conducted Rhythms by Madlib
- ACTN Owl: At Last by Psyche Origami
- Atom Bomb & Horse: Kansas Intermede by Ploquin and Soullier
- ACTN Green One Handed Guy: Little Bossa by Moogul
- Trigun Western Pink Guy: Awakening Lands by Chris Winland
- ACTN Orange Fun Start Soon Now (25c): B.E.A.T. by Five Deez
- FMA Balloon Scroll: Either Lil' Black Boy by Dudley Perkins, or Collie & Beer by Madlib
- Don't Even Try To Read This: Congo Rhyme by Chris Winland Bear with Hockey Mask: Groovy Cocktail by Chris Winland
- Clown & Griffin Oil Well (Crane Head): Either Good Luck by Christopher Gruber, or Break by Oh No
Asian Robots: Crawling[]
We hear weird music.
Asian Robots: Face[]
A sample of the Broadcast song "Tears in the Typing Pool".
Clown Kids: Buffet Girl[]
Animals: Cat on Slide[]
The background noises of screaming children along with music from the band "Broadcast" titled The Black Cat. A sports bell can also be heard when the [as] logo pops out at the end.
Animals: Stocks Cat[]
Cow and Hay Bales[]
Sounds of the environment, sound effects relating to the action, music.
Space Chickens[]
A sci-fi droning sound throughout, with sound effects of the action and chicken sounds.
Tiger Invasion[]
Music, some growling, groaning.
Elephant Spiral[]
Watching is Better than Living[]
An excerpt of the following songs:
1st ID: Heat Wave 2 by Flying Lotus. 2nd ID: Inchworm by Battles.
A Christmas tune, with a female voice-over saying "Welcome to another night of in-your-face holiday magic." The music then comes to a sudden end after the speech has been finished.
The sounds of the monster, the buildings, and the skating, followed by a thud sound when the monster breaks the skyscraper.
The sounds of the carrot, a stretching sound, the neighs of the horse, and when the horse tries to eat the carrot, something that sounds like "NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM NAM! .
The sounds of the hammer, a punch sound, a falling sound (which is reversed when the astronaut is sent back into space), and 2 laser sounds. When the cat shoots the lasers, the same roar from the "Monster" ID.
Toilet Cow[]
First, a toilet being tapped sound, then a suspenseful theme, with more tapping sounds when the cow spits out the toilet lids. A slime-like sound can be heard when the blob appears, then a stomach like sound when the utters appear on the blob. The suspenseful music builds up too when the second toilet is created, and the firework spark-like eyed cow's moo. After, the music comes to an abrupt ending.
Bear How It's Made[]
Long Pork[]
A constant dramatic sting that gets louder and louder, the breathing of the man-pig, and the sound of a blade slicing through the air, along with a quiet splattering noise when the pig falls apart.
Nitty Gritty[]
Old timely music which slowly turns into a dramatic sting before cutting off when the words come onscreen.
Fight Room[]
A male announcer saying "Adult Swim proudly sponsors Fight Room! Chainsaw Match Special!" as a trip gong goes off, followed by the sounds of chainsaws, the contestants gasping and groaning, and splattering noises when the red contestant is killed. The trip gong goes off again, and the announcer says "Blue wins! Sponsored by Adult Swim," as cheering and victorious music plays.
The giant saying huh? and the giant screaming.
A weird theme with the sounds of the giant and house breaking.
We Know You're Home[]
The Skype ringtone.
Gym Bunny[]
Gym Horse[]
Some 80s-sounding casual music, then splattering effects.
Gary Takes The Elevator[]
The sound of the button being pressed and Gary humming, followed by a dinging noise, roaring and screaming.
Gary Gets A Virus[]
Computer noises after the disc is inserted, followed by roars and shouting.
Claude Follows Directions[]
Claude murmuring to himself ("Let's see here, hmm... Like that... There, and push... And we're done!"), the contraption buzzing and whirring, the woman gasping and screaming, and a splattering noise when she is killed.
Scare Factor[]
The Tokyo Brackets[]
Simplistic Action[]
None to minimal. It's prety tame, just like the last logo. However, it rises with our next ident...
Asian Robots: Crawling[]
Medium to nightmare. The robot can give off an "Uncanny Valley" feeling for its movements.
Asian Robots: Face[]
Medium to nightmare, this ident is considered extremely creepy, evoking a similar "Uncanny Valley" feeling like the previous ident.
Clown Kids: Buffet Girl[]
Medium to nightmare, as the music is rather creepy and the grainy imagery may not help.
Animals: Cat on Slide[]
Minimal to low, it's pretty funny.
Animals: Stocks Cat[]
Low, unless the cat's face startles you. It also a funny logo otherwise, just like the last one.
Cow and Hay Bales[]
None. It's pretty funny.
Space Chickens[]
Minimal to low, but the scare factor raises with the next ID once again.
Tiger Invasion[]
High. The whole concept of the logo is strange, and the animation style is somewhat creepy.
Elephant Spiral[]
High. Just like the last logo, the animation style isn't all too friendly and the concept is extremely weird.
Watching is Better than Living[]
Low to medium. The design isn't very friendly and the whole flashiness/pattern can trigure a seizure.
None, it's actually very tame.
Medium. The whole concept is rather violent, though others, especially older audiences, shouldn't find it overly horrifying.
None, it's humorous.
Minimal. Some may find the concept a little disturbing, while others may find it funny. It's also not as scary as the next 4 idents...
Toilet Cow[]
Low to nightmare. The suspenseful music, extremely uncanny nature, the cow appearing out of nowhere at the start (which can possibly be considered a jump scare to some), the appearance of the cow itself, and the sudden ending can scare many people.
Bear How It's Made[]
Low to nightmare. The whole concept of shots of the bear being murdered and the "teddy bear being made" will horrify and upset many people, especially animal lovers.
Long Pork[]
Medium to nightmare. Like the previous ident, it's incredibly violent and shows an animal being tortured, which will scare a lot of people, especially animal lovers. The music also makes matters worse, and the man-pig's design looks pretty scary.
Nitty Gritty[]
Low to nightmare. The whole ident seems innocent in the first half, but considering the music gets more intense before cutting off abruptly and seeing the elderly woman knitting herself (with her innards seen) will definitely deal a good blow to many.
Fight Room[]
Medium to high. The man getting cut in half with the chainsaw, along with the blood and gore being seen will frighten many people, especially if they don't like gory content. Others, however, may find it funny, especially from the announcer.
Minimal to low.
Low. But the scare factor raises on the next 2 IDs.
High to nightmare. The large bird monster and screaming will definitely put many off, making it very scary. the pink giant is not too friendly looking either, and the part when the giant's eyes roll back into it's head well it's screeching is very creepy.
High to nightmare. it's lots from the very creepy music and screaming. However, some may find the pink giant and the large turkey to be scary as well, making it extremely creepy.
We Know You're Home[]
Minimal. While it's not scary. the message/title (We know you're home) is pretty creepy, it's also a lot tamer then the last 2 IDs.
Gym Bunny[]
Low to nightmare, the bunny having its "brains" squeezed from its head will frighten many people, let alone animal lovers.
Gym Horse[]
Low to nightmare. Again, the concept is violent, which will frighten many people, especially animal lovers.
Gary Takes The Elevator[]
Medium to high. Gary getting eaten by the elevator monster will scare many first-time viewers.
Gary Gets A Virus[]
Medium to high. It's basically because of the same concept, really.
Claude Follows Directions[]
High. The woman being brutally murdered by the machine will definitely frighten many.File:Adult Swim Song.png