Scary Logos Wiki
Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1999-2000)[]

In a city, we see a really large crowd, screaming stuff, The NBC Peacock flies into our screens, then we see another city (without the concert), with a bussinessman, on some firework background, we now see Feliz Pasco Prospero 2000, the ATV logo comes on.

2nd logo (2013-)[]

Over a black background, we see Dutch text at the top that reads

Un produccion di

Aruba Broadcasting Company

(which translates to "A production of Aruba Broadcasting Company"). Below is the NBC peacock on top of ATV, and below is "Copyright [YEAR]". The NBC peacock zooms in a bit, then zooms out, leaving a "light shadow" effect behind it. Then, the company name does the same with the same effect, and both the peacock and company name do the same, this time slightly longer. Once the logo finishes, it zooms out a bit.



Some people singing.


The iconic NBC jingle, which is for whatever reason distorted a bit and echoed.

Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]


2nd logo[]

Low to medium. The dated animation is one thing, but the distorted music can unsettle some people, especially if they're familiar with the original jingle(s).
