Logo []
1st logo (2001-2008)[]
Same as its video & TV counterpart, except this time, it's on the top half of the screen, now on a black background and much smaller than before. As this happens, you can see some light reflections. After that, the DVD logo zooms in underneath it.
2nd logo (2008-2019)[]
On a black background, a twisted shape swings up, in blue. A flash turns it red. Then, we cut to a purple part of the logo, and the camera pans down. The logo flashes, revealing itself to be the ABC Lissajous logo from 2001, colored in red, magenta and sky blue. "ABC" appears below the lissajous, with "DVD" under "ABC".
3rd logo (2018-)[]
On a black background, the revived 1975 Lissajous curve logo, taking up most of the screen, draws itself in two halves. The logo zooms out as "ABC" fades in underneath, in the ABC Sans front, with "DVD" then fading in underneath.
1st logo[]
The same music as the ABC Video logo with an added loud whoosh sound for when the DVD logo zooms in.
2nd logo[]
Several synth notes, with some whooshes and a noise similar to an orchestra tuning up. A low descending bass noise is then heard, ending in a calm guitar version of the ABC jingle with high-pitched sparkles.
3rd logo[]
The tail end of the previous logo's music.
Scare Factor[]
1st logo[]
Minimal. This logo is a favorite of many Australians and it is a good source of nostalgia.
2nd logo[]
Minimal to low. The close ups of the twisted shapes and music may startle a few, especially if they expected the previous one, but it has gorgeous animation, and again, it is another favorite of many.
3rd logo[]
None. This is more of a boring and dull logo, along with many other modern day logos.