Scary Logos Wiki


1st logo (1990-1994)[]

On a black background, a dot flies by, and we see a box rising up and expanding into a box with a border between "A VISION" in blue, and "E N T E R T A I N M E N T" in white. Between "A" and "VISION" is a fan spinning. A white dot then applies to the fan, forming the familiar Atlantic fan logo.


At the end of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers VHS tapes released by the company, a black screen reading "Distributed by" in Times New Roman appears before the actual logo.

2nd logo (1990-1994)[]

A white still logo from before fades in, against a background of rapidly shifting colors and images relating to concerts and live performances.

3rd logo (1990)[]

The A-VISION logo appears in a 3D effect.



A strange synth theme, then a "thunk" sound when the dot gets to the fan.





Scare Factor[]

1st logo[]

Minimal to medium. The logo appears pretty suddenly, and the music doesn't feel all that calm.

2nd logo[]

Low, because of the background.

3rd logo[]

