7 Brothers Action Movie Makers is a film company from Nepal.
Logo (June 4, 2010)[]
Visuals: Over a black background, a spark of light is seen drawing a number "7", which a "7" unblurs in. An explosion of sparks occurs as a backgriund fades into a blue explosion-like background until text "BORTHERS" in a thin font fade in next to the "7" as a bit of orange is seen on the explosion which dies out then. Red text in a Bank Gothic font "Action Movie Makers Pvt. Ltd." fades in under the number and text.
Technique: Computer animation.
Audio: A metal swoosh, which segues to the Intrepid Pictures logo.
Title | Date of Release | Additional |
Rana Sangram | June 4, 2010 | Only appearance |
Scare Factor: Medium to high, if you're scared of the Intrepid Pictures logo, the noises can scare you, along with the animation in the logo and explosion. The darkness and the swoosh at the start is also that creepy and scary, but the stolen music can make people laugh.