14 Reels Entertianment is a Telugu-language film company from India, in the city Hyderabad.
Logo (January 14, 2010)[]
Visuals: In a fair with white ground and sky, a man with a white shirt is seen walking holding a yellow camera-like object with various kids running to the man, along with a woman with a red/yellow dress. A man sets the camera down setting it before turning the crank on the camera-like object with the camera zooming into it as one more kid runs to see what is happening. The woman looks into the camera-like object before the whole scene occurs now on the filmstrip with part of it ripped over a white background, the image becomes a yellow and red/white outlined version of the image, which zooms out a bit as the company's name appears up from the bottom of the screen. The animation plays now in reverse, continuing the scene as the camera zooms into the camera hole.
Technique: CGI.
Audio: A upbeat traditional Indian theme with a whoosh during the logo's formation, and the sound of a film projector running heard at the end of the logo.
Title | Date of Release | Additional |
Namo Venkatesa | January 14, 2010 | Only appearance |
Scare Factor: None to low, the zoom in to the camera at the end of the logo can make people jump, along with the end of the music, but the music itself is a bit upbeat sounding and tame it down a bit.